Sunday, January 27, 2013

2 weeks in...

I'm on row 30 of chart 3. It looks a little pinched in due to the lifeline between chart 2 and 3. This is on both a 47" and 32" needle to try and show off the progress, and it still isn't big enough. Oy, vey, this thing is going to be a monster once its blocked. I'm still debating the whole "do I really want to put 3000 beads on the edging of this or not" thing. It seems weird to wait until the very edge to add in sparklies, and I can't help but wonder if it'll weigh down the edges or not. Enh. I still have a bit of time before that. :p

Strangely enough, not a ton of progress on other projects. :> I've turned the heel (toe up) on my mother's knee high sock, so that'll be basically blind knitting from here on out, thankfully.

1 comment:

RattleFox said...

Makes me want to do one too! Nice progress on this!