As promised, a boring list of active WiPs. I might get fancy-pants and eventually do this on Ravelry, but I'm not holding my breath. Keep in mind, these are just projects that I'm actively working on. There are a bunch of things that have been benched for various and asundry reasons. These are in no particular order.
- Grey & Black sheep One-in-all - 6 mo size. One leg and one foot done. Mostly parked for the moment, as I'm doing a modified version and knitting the same thing in different colours at the same time would drive me insane.
- Multi-colour fish hat. Only the tail, fins and eyes are left. This is my WoW knitting, but I've not been playing much lately, so it's stagnated. Stagnant fish, eww.
- Crocheted baby duck blanket. This is about 1/3 done in terms of crochet, and needs all of the embroidery to be done. I occasionally poke at this due to my sister really wanting it for the nephew Smurf, but making the same blanket more than once is tedious business, even if it's been a couple of years.
- Seekrit modified version of the one-in-all and matching hat. The main portion is about 2/3 of the way done, and the hat basically has just been started. This is in the 6 mo size, and I've been informed the nephew is growing like a weed, so I need to pick this bastardly thing back up again and finish it off, or it'll never get done.
- Pink & blue chunky braid scarf. I think this is about 1/2 way done, as I've only got one skein, and when it's gone, I'm done.
- 1x1 rib stripe'y scarf that is normally done in Noro, but I'm an infidel and using something else that doesn't offend my "This is really expensive, but itchy" sensibilities. Hey, more for those of you who like Noro!
- Sproing'y socks in my hand-dyed green/blue/purple colourway. One is done, the other is just past the gusset. These are my most active knitting, as the pattern is stupidly easy to memorize.
Hey, that's only 7! As long as you don't look at my dyeing, spinning and weaving habits, that's almost reasonable! :)
spinning (not just plates)
2 years ago